July is not just about the set championships, the Challenge event in Texas is up and it’s almost time to register!
The official event page for the Texas Challenge event is ready with more details!

Date: July 20-21, 2024
Venue: Will Rogers Memorial Center, West Texas Room
Address: 3401 W Lancaster Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76107
Competitor registration fee: $50.00 USD (Not including Eventbrite fee / sales tax)
Attendee registration fee: $20.00 USD (Not including Eventbrite fee / sales tax)
Registration begins: Thursday, May 23 at 123pm EST
Event time: Round 1 starts at 10am local time, Saturday July 20
Additional note: You must play a minimum of three rounds in order to receive any prizing for this event.
Event official site: https://www.ppgeventmanagement.com/disneylorcanachallengejuly
Prize details can be found here
The first Lorcana Challenge event goes on this weekend in Atlanta, and it looks to be an exciting event with lots of players in the main event, multiple side events to play in, and a stacked prize wall. Which Challenge events will you be taking part in?