[Convention] Gaston – Arrogant Hunter promo card coming to MCM ComicCon

No one mobs like Gaston! Next promo announced for end of the month.

Promo #24 is Gaston! Get one at MCM Comic Con London next 27-29 October.

Currently there are no further details on how to receive a copy of the promotional card, aside from being able to stop by the booth to request for one though a “huge scavenger hunt” for Lorcana had been announced for the convention, which may also be related to getting a copy.

Update on promos, Team Lorcana just shared the following post in LorcanaHQ Discord:

Previously for Mickey Mouse – Musketeer, Goofy – Musketeer and Donald Duck – Musketeer, these 3 had promo cards that had logos tied to the events that they were released in. Starting from Gaston – Arrogant Hunter though, promo cards will only have the generic promo symbol on them as the promo cards will be available in more events!

This is a good move as many of these promo cards have been highly sought after by completionists and have fetched high prices on the secondary market. With event promo cards available at more than 1 event, this will make them much more available for everyone hoping to get them and deter scalpers who attend the events only hoping to resell these promo cards.

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