We have a mixed bag of card reveals here but some of these are in absolutely perfect disguise!
This batch of reveals comes from French YouTuber Nixx!

Kuzco – Wanted Llama
2 Cost | Amethyst | Character
Strength 1 | Willpower 2 | Lore 1
Storyborn · King
OK, SO, WHERE AM I?: When this character is banished, you may draw a card.
“Here I am, in complete control of the situation.”
The Huntsman – Reluctant Henchman
2 Cost | Steel | Character
Strength 1 | Willpower 1 | Lore 2
Storyborn · Ally
HEART EXCHANGE: Whenever this character quests, you may draw a card, then choose and discard a card.
“Run, run away! Hide, in the woods, anywhere!”
The Queen – Disguised Beggar
3 Cost | Emerald | Character
Strength 2 | Willpower 3 | Lore 0
Storyborn · Villain · Queen
The Perfect Disguise: Exert, Choose and discard a character card – gain lore equal to the lore on the character that was discarded.
“This is no ordinary apple…”
Owl – Logical Speaker
1 Cost | Sapphire | Character
Strength 2 | Willpower 2 | Lore 1
Storyborn · Ally
“For example, based on the current daylight and subtle change in wind direction, I can say without a doubt that it is tea time.
For a full list of all Rise of the Floodborn cards, check out the card list and table linked below!
Rise of the Floodborn card list
Rise of the Floodborn card table