Here are some new cards from the Lilo and Stitch series!
This set of reveals is from Laughing Palace!

Stitch – Little Trickster
2 Cost | Emerald | Character
Strength 1 | Willpower 3 | Lore 1
Storyborn · Hero · Alien
NEED A HAND?: 1 – This character gets +1 strength this turn.
Always ready in an emergency – usually because he caused it.
David – Impressive Surfer
3 Cost | Amber | Character
Strength 3 | Willpower 3 | Lore 1
Storyborn · Ally
SHOWING OFF: While you have a character named Nani in play, this character gets +2 lore.
“Grab a board and come on out! Choice waves today.”
Nani – Caring Sister
5 Cost | Amber | Character
Strength 3 | Willpower 5 | Lore 2
Storyborn · Hero
Support (Whenever this character quests, you may add their strength to another chosen character’s strength this turn.)
I AM SO SORRY: 2 – Chosen character gets -1 strength until the start of your next turn.
2 Cost | Amber | Item
I MADE HER: Exert one of your characters – Chosen character gets -2 strength until the start of your next turn.
“Her head is too big. So I pretend a bug laid eggs in her ears…” -Lilo
You Came Back
3 Cost | Emerald | Action
Ready Chosen Character
“Nobody gets left behind.” – Stitch
For a full list of all currently known Azurite Sea cards, check out the card list and table linked below!
Azurite Sea Card List
Disney Lorcana card table