Mulan – Imperial Soldier: Gift Set clear image

Confirmation on card number, a better look at the Mulan Tracker Token and more!

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NL from has provided us with a clearer image showing the back of the card set for Mulan!

In the image, we are now able to confirm that some points of Mulan which were previously not clear from the front of the gift box.

The new information includes:
– Confirmation that Mulan’s card number is 118/204·EN·1
– Better confirmation that Mulan’s effect is indeed only for this TURN.
– The illustrator for Mulan is confirmed to be Mel Milton!
– A clearer look at the Mulan – Imperial Soldier Tracker token
– A look at the description below Mulan which reads:

A true leader is not one who directs, but one who inspires. The undaunted courage of this familiar heroine spurs her allies to reach for victory-and makes others think twice about getting in her way!

For a full list of all The First Chapter products and cards we know so far, head over to the Mushu Report Wiki – The First Chapter linked here!

Source from NL

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