Lythos – Rock Titan & Hydros – Ice Titan

So do you prefer to be iced? Or crushed? We got the Titans!!

LiveLaughLorcana are here with their reveal of the Titans!

Lythos – Rock Titan
4 Cost | Steel | Character
Strength 4 | Willpower 1 | Lore 1
Storyborn · Titan
Resist +2 (Damage dealt to this character is reduced by 2.)
STONE SKIN: Exert – Chosen character gains Resist +2 this turn.
Crush Zeus!


Hydros – Ice Titan
3 Cost | Amethyst | Character
Strength 2 | Willpower 2 | Lore 2
Storyborn · Titan
BLIZZARD: Exert – Exert chosen character.
Freeze Zeus!


For a full list of all Into the Inklands cards, check out the card list and table linked below!
Into the Inklands card list
Into the Inklands card table

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