LightBox Expo 2023 – Designing a Character in Disney Lorcana

Are you a fan of the art and story for the characters of Lorcana and want to learn about the design process? Here’s your chance in the upcoming LightBox Expo!

Also could we be getting Encanto in Lorcana?

LightBox Expo is an annual event that celebrates the artists and creators behind our favorite films, animation, games, TV shows and illustrations.

Ravensburger is confirmed to be participating though they only have a single booth, which considering the nature of the event looks like it will be focused on featuring Lorcana art.

What is interesting is the event schedule which includes 3 sessions of “Design a Character in Disney Lorcana TCG”, each lasting an hour over 3 days.

Matthew Eng, Lead Art Director for the Disney Lorcana TCG, will be participating in all 3 sessions.

Each session then features a different

Bryan K Turner:
His Linkedin states that he is a Designer and Concept Artist for Lorcana but as of this post, no known cards are credited to him.

Sam Nielson:
Sam Nielson is a Concept Artist and has worked for multiple major clients including Disney (Avalanche), Sony, Blizzard and more. Currently he works as an animation professor at Brigham Young University. As of this post, no known cards are credited to him.

Mel Milton:
Mel Milton is a full time Concept Artist at Marvel Studios and is currently confirmed to have illustrated Mulan – Imperial Soldier.

Most interesting of all is this programming spotlight image shared by Bryan K Turner on his Linkedin which features Luisa Madrigal from Encanto. Currently there has been no mention of Encanto being a part of the Disney Lorcana TCG, with this being the first indication of the Encanto film possibly joining Lorcana.

Aside from these activities, there are many other known Lorcana illustrators who are taking part in LightBox Expo 2023 including:

Bill Robinson: Booth 303

Jake Parker: Booth 402

Luis Huerata: Booth 724

Randy Bishop: Booth 221

Vicky Xie: Table 636

Whitney Pollett: Presenting

Penelope Gaylord: Event participation

Full list of participants for LightBox Expo can be found here.

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