Disney Lorcana TCG Tournament Rules

Preparing for a tournament this weekend? Best to do some reading up, the tournament rules document is here!

Thanks to Cabled who spotted this, Ravensburger has just put up a very important document!

Disney Lorcana TCG Tournament Rules document*

* Note: It appears that the document has been taken down from Ravensburger site. If you still wish to access it, you may check it out on the wiki linked here.

The document is 11 pages long and covers multiple areas such as note taking, tournament format details, end of match procedures and more. If you are participating or hosting an event for Disney Lorcana, it is highly recommended that you read through and familiarise yourself with the entire document linked above.

Here are some of the key points to note that have been clarified with this document.

Exact Mulligan procedure

For every game of a match, each player has the opportunity to alter their hand.

  • First, the first player chooses which cards from their hand they will alter, and places those cards on the bottom of their deck in any order.
  • Then the second player chooses which cards from their hand they will alter and places those cards on the bottom of their own deck in any order.
  • Then both players draw cards until both have seven cards in their hand again.
  • Finally, any player that placed cards on the bottom of their deck in this manner shuffles their deck, and then offers their opponent the opportunity for additional shuffling and/or cutting.

End of Match procedure

  • The active player should finish their turn.
  • After that turn, there are only five turns total remaining in the game.
  • Each turn taken after the turn during which time was called will count towards the five-turn* total, regardless of whose turn it is. Normally, this means that the active player when time was called will get two turns and the non-active player will get three turns.
  • If the game ends during these turns, the match is reported normally.
  • If neither player has won the game at the end of turn five, and one player has more game wins than the other, that player wins the match (the current game is does not count toward the match result).
  • Swiss rounds: If neither player has won the game at the end of turn five, and both players have the same number of game wins, the match is a draw (the current game does not count toward the match result).
  • Single-elimination rounds: If neither player has won the game at the end of turn five, and both players have the same number of game wins and the same Lore, the match continues until one player has more Lore than the other. Once this happens, the player with the highest Lore wins the game immediately.

* In the document, it states a five-game total. This is probably a typo and corrected here as a five-turn total

Conceding a game

  • A player may concede an incomplete game at any time. This player immediately loses the game and, if applicable, the match moves on to the next game.
  • A player that refuses to play a match is considered to have conceded that match.
  • Players may not ask their opponents to concede a game. Players may not offer or accept any sort of incentive for their opponent to concede a game.

Note Taking

Players are encouraged to keep written track of Lore totals, but no other written notes are permitted. Referring to outside notes during a match is considered Outside Assistance.

Players may not take notes during drafting.

Electronic Devices

At Casual tournaments, players may use the Disney Lorcana TCG Mobile App for tracking Lore and referring to the card catalog, as long as any references are made in a timely manner.

At Competitive tournaments, electronic devices capable of long-term data storage and/or internet access are not permitted.

Time Limits

General Tournament

The time limit for a Swiss round is 50 minutes.

It is recommended that all matches in single-elimination rounds are untimed. If a time limit must be imposed due to venue availability constraints, the time limit should be at least 50 minutes and should be announced prior to the beginning of the single-elimination portion of the event.

Limited Tournament Time Limits

The time limit for Sealed deck construction is 30 minutes.
The time limit for Sealed deck pool registration is 20 minutes.
The time limit for Preconstructed deck construction is 10 minutes.
The time limit for Draft deck construction (and registration) is 25 minutes.
The timing for individual Draft picks, if being used, is as follows:

  • 12 cards remaining: 30 seconds
  • 11 cards remaining: 25 seconds
  • 10 cards remaining: 25 seconds
  • 9 cards remaining: 20 seconds
  • 8 cards remaining: 20 seconds
  • 7 cards remaining: 15 seconds
  • 6 cards remaining: 10 seconds
  • 5 cards remaining: 10 seconds
  • 4 cards remaining: 5 seconds
  • 3 cards remaining: 4 seconds
  • 2 cards remaining: 3 seconds


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