Mushu Report | Amethyst / Steel | Imperial’s Quest for the Lore

Submitter NameMushu Report
Event Information Url
Tournament NameImperial's Quest for the Lore
Deck NameAmethyst / Steel
Deck OwnerNate Rochette
Tournament Date2023-11-25
PlacementTop 8
Number Of Participants21
FormatCore Constructed

Amethyst / Steel - Imperial's Quest for the Lore (Top 8)

By Nate Rochette

Image Card Name Card Cost Card Type Qty
Pascal – Rapunzel’s Companion1Character3
Captain Hook – Forceful Duelist1Character3
Simba – Future King1Character3
Madam Mim – Snake2Character3
Magic Broom – Bucket Brigade2Character3
Cinderella – Knight in Training2Character3
Prince Eric – Dashing and Brave2Character3
Elsa – Snow Queen3Character3
Madam Mim – Fox3Character4
Maleficent – Sorceress3Character4
Benja – Guardian of the Dragon Gem3Character4
The Prince – Never Gives Up3Character4
Tinker Bell – Tiny Tactician3Character4
Merlin – Goat4Character3
Merlin – Rabbit4Character2
Mickey Mouse – Wayward Sorcerer4Character3
Hans – Thirteenth in Line4Character2
The Queen – Wicked and Vain5Character2
Beast – Hardheaded5Character2
Tinker Bell – Giant Fairy6Character4
Ursula – Power Hungry7Character2
Cinderella – Stouthearted7Character1
Elsa – Spirit of Winter8Character3
Friends on the Other Side3Song4
Let the Storm Rage On3Song4
Strength of a Raging Fire3Song2
A Whole New World5Song4
Grab Your Sword5Song4
Total: 87 Cards