Top Decks

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Date Tournament Deck Owner Placement Format Inks
2025-01-12Disney Lorcana NA ChampionshipSteel AmethystZach Bivens6thCore Constructed
2025-01-12Disney Lorcana NA ChampionshipEmerald AmethystMorgan Shamblin5thCore Constructed
2025-01-12Disney Lorcana NA ChampionshipSteel AmethystPatrick Cote4thCore Constructed
2025-01-12Disney Lorcana NA ChampionshipRuby AmethystEdmond Chiu1stCore Constructed
2025-01-04Disney Lorcana MKF Open #11AmthegoatnowTareq Salim6thCore Constructed
2025-01-04Gold Star's Pretty Good Lorcana TournamentSteel AmethystBookofDylan7thCore Constructed
2024-01-04Gold Star's Pretty Good Lorcana TournamentRuby AmethystCharleszard2ndCore Constructed
2024-12-21Lorcana 5k ETB OakvilleEmerald AmethystPubThugTop 8Core Constructed
2024-12-21Lorcana 5k ETB OakvilleAmber AmethystLevel9001top 4Core Constructed
2024-12-14CCS Lorcana $10,000 Tournament WeekendSteel AmethystTristex905thCore Constructed
2024-12-14CCS Lorcana $10,000 Tournament WeekendAmethyst RubyKendall Burdette4thCore Constructed
2024-12-07Disney Lorcana European ChampionshipPurple SteelAndiiTop 8Core Constructed
2024-12-07Disney Lorcana European ChampionshipA la sauce ArrimanSwandaiTop 8Core Constructed
2024-12-07Disney Lorcana Challenge European ChampionshipRuby AmethystLukas Kaupa4thCore Constructed
2024-12-07Disney Lorcana Challenge European ChampionshipRECont3 Drago3rdCore Constructed
2024-12-07Disney Lorcana European ChampionshipEmerald AmethystMichelle Assirelli2ndCore Constructed
2024-12-07Lorcana Challenge European ChampionshipRuby Amethyst Bounce ControlDomingo Martinez1stCore Constructed
2024-06-23ZAP Realmbreaker 3Amethyst / RubyJesupower2nd placeCore Constructed
2024-06-23ZAP Realmbreaker 3Amethyst / RubyLilian FenollTop 4Core Constructed
2024-06-23ZAP Realmbreaker 3Rendez-moi Minnie Matteo DumonTop 8Core Constructed
2024-06-08Metaborn Gaming Kids TournamentAmethyst / RubyAnonymous2nd placeCore Constructed
2024-06-08Metaborn Gaming Kids TournamentAmber / AmethystAnonymousTop 4Core Constructed
2024-06-08Metaborn Gaming Kids TournamentAmethyst / RubyAnonymousTop 8Core Constructed
2024-06-08Chicago Challenge 2024Amethyst / RubyAlberto GarciaTop 8Core Constructed
2024-06-08Chicago Challenge 2024Amethyst / RubyHongxu MaTop 32Core Constructed
2024-06-08Chicago Challenge 2024Amethyst / RubyColby GerrishTop 64Core Constructed
2024-06-08Chicago Challenge 2024Amethyst / RubyEdmond ChiuTop 32Core Constructed
2024-06-08Chicago Challenge 2024Amethyst / EmeraldGabriel CabanTop 64Core Constructed
2024-06-08Chicago Challenge 2024Amethyst / RubyGeorge GebhardtTop 16Core Constructed
2024-06-08Chicago Challenge 2024Amethyst / RubyAdrian MercuriTop 64Core Constructed