Try Everything

Amber ink now gets a way to ready their own characters too, letting you use exert abilities again!

This card reveal comes direct from Disney Lorcana!

Try Everything
4 Cost | Amber | Action · Song
(A character with cost 4 or more can exert to sing this song for free.)
Remove up to 3 damage from chosen character and ready them. They can’t quest or challenge for the rest of this turn.
I want to try even though I could fail


Try Everything marks the first time Amber ink gets a way to ready a character! On its own, Amber ink doesnt have that many card abilities that require your characters to exert. That said, you can play 2 ink in Disney Lorcana, which means decks that traditionally do not pair well with Ruby ink, can now get Amber ink as an option to get a “ready character” type ability! Is there exert ability type of character that you would want to use this on?

For a full list of all currently known Shimmering Skies cards, check out the card list and table linked below!
Shimmering Skies card list
Disney Lorcana card table

One comment

  1. Also interesting is, how they will translate it to other languages since this song stays english in every language.

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