Top Decks

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Date Tournament Deck Owner Placement Format Inks
2024-05-24Atlanta Challenge 2024Amber / SteelZan SyedTop 4Core Constructed
2024-05-24Atlanta Challenge 2024Amethyst / RubyAlberto GarciaTop 4Core Constructed
2024-04-25Atlanta Challenge 2024Amethyst / RubyMatthew Wright2nd PlaceCore Constructed
2024-04-25Atlanta Challenge 2024Amber / AmethystJoshua Paultre1st PlaceCore Constructed
2024-04-27Into the Inklands Championship - Grape's GamesBombpopRon T 1st placeCore Constructed
2024-04-27Into the Inklands Championship - Grape's GamesEmerald / SteelAce H 2nd placeCore Constructed
2024-04-27Into the Inklands Championship - Grape's GamesSapphire / SteelMitchell G Top 4Core Constructed
2024-04-27Into the Inklands Championship - Grape's GamesAmethyst / EmeraldTyler R Top 4Core Constructed
2024-04-27Into the Inklands Championship - Grape's GamesEmerald / SteelEmily M Top 8Core Constructed
2024-04-27Into the Inklands Championship - Grape's GamesRuby / SapphireAustin D Top 8Core Constructed
2024-04-27Into the Inklands Championship - Grape's GamesFireWaterJonathan K Top 8Core Constructed
2024-04-27Into the Inklands Championship - Grape's GamesAmber / SteelTabitha H Top 8Core Constructed
2024-04-28Into the Inklands Championship - RarehuntershopAmethyst / EmeraldMichael Neuwirth1st placeCore Constructed
2024-04-28Into the Inklands Championship - RarehuntershopEmerald / SteelMichael Brandtner2nd placeCore Constructed
2024-04-28Into the Inklands Championship - RarehuntershopRuby / SapphireLukas KreutzingerTop 4Core Constructed
2024-04-28Into the Inklands Championship - RarehuntershopEmerald / SteelSascha JedlickaTop 4Core Constructed
2024-04-28Into the Inklands Championship - Great Lake GamingTier 2 DeckNicholas Wyllie1st placeCore Constructed
2024-04-28Into the Inklands Championship - Great Lake GamingPurple Rain Brock Ridley2nd placeCore Constructed
2024-04-28Into the Inklands Championship - Great Lake GamingGS DiscardKaitlynn BaksaTop 4Core Constructed
2024-04-28Into the Inklands Championship - Great Lake GamingChanceChance RusniakTop 4Core Constructed
2024-04-28Into the Inklands Championship - Great Lake GamingEmerald SteelLance StosiakTop 8Core Constructed
2024-04-28Into the Inklands Championship - Great Lake GamingAR BounceKristen YoungTop 8Core Constructed
2024-04-28Into the Inklands Championship - Great Lake GamingRed/PurpleJenna HermanTop 8Core Constructed
2024-04-28Into the Inklands Championship - Great Lake GamingDiscardMorgan WoolmanTop 8Core Constructed
2024-04-27Into the Inklands Championship - Three For One TradingAmethyst / EmeraldKrisztian V.1st placeCore Constructed
2024-04-27Into the Inklands Championship - Three For One TradingAmethyst / EmeraldLukas K.2nd placeCore Constructed
2024-04-27Into the Inklands Championship - Three For One TradingAmber / SteelMartin H.Top 4Core Constructed
2024-04-27Into the Inklands Championship - Three For One TradingRuby / SapphireKilian H.Top 4Core Constructed
2024-04-27Into the Inklands Championship - Three For One TradingSapphire / SteelThomas A.Top 8Core Constructed
2024-04-27Into the Inklands Championship - Three For One TradingAmber / SteelRudolf K.Top 8Core Constructed