Top Decks

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Date Tournament Deck Owner Placement Format Inks
2023-09-23SGC Grand Tournament: September 2023Amethyst / RubyBrandon Polley5th placeCore Constructed
2023-09-23SGC Grand Tournament: September 2023Amethyst / RubyScott Reed6th placeCore Constructed
2023-09-23SGC Grand Tournament: September 2023Amethyst / RubyLouis Tuplin7th placeCore Constructed
2023-09-16Tampa TCG Con - Lorcana Switch EventAmethyst / RubyJohn DoeTop 4Core Constructed
2023-09-16Tampa TCG Con - Lorcana Switch EventAmethyst / RubyEmbraceChuTop 8Core Constructed
2023-09-17Lorcana 1K CCSRuby / AmethystZan SyedTop 4 (Shared)Core Constructed
2023-09-17Lorcana 1K CCSRuby / AmethystKendall BurdetteTop 4 (Shared)Core Constructed
2023-09-17Lorcana 1K CCSAmethyst / RubyJames MillerTop 4 (Shared)Core Constructed
2023-09-16Lorcana 1K CCSRuby / AmethystBrandon WigleyTop 8Core Constructed
2023-09-16PPG Lorcana 1K MiamiAmethyst / RubyChad KaplanTop 8 (Shared)Core Constructed
2023-09-16PPG Lorcana 1K MiamiRuby / AmethystWalter VilledaTop 8 (Shared)Core Constructed
2023-09-16PPG Lorcana 1K MiamiRuby / AmethystJustin RiosTop 8 (Shared)Core Constructed
2023-09-16PPG Lorcana 1K MiamiRuby / AmethystAlbert BerdellansTop 8 (Shared)Core Constructed
2023-09-02PPG Lorcana NDKAmethyst / RubyHung LeTop 8Core Constructed
2023-09-02PPG Lorcana NDKRuby / AmethystJonathan Ball2ndCore Constructed
2023-08-26Nat20 Games 1kAmethyst / RubyGarrison FogtTop 4 (Shared)Core Constructed
2023-08-26Nat20 Games 1kAmethyst / RubyLuna EasonTop 4 (Shared)Core Constructed
2023-08-26Nat20 Games 1kAmethyst / RubyKendall BurdetteTop 4 (Shared)Core Constructed
2023-08-09Lorcana HQ Constructed Tournament (Aug 2023)Ruby / SteelJoe Ramirez0332Top 8Core Constructed
2023-08-09Lorcana HQ Constructed Tournament (Aug 2023)Emerald / RubyJust Ink ItTop 8Core Constructed
2023-08-09Lorcana HQ Constructed Tournament (Aug 2023)Ruby / SapphireLaoShiMahanTop 8Core Constructed
2023-08-09Lorcana HQ Constructed Tournament (Aug 2023)Ruby / SapphireZeroTheHeroTop 8Core Constructed
2023-08-09Lorcana HQ Constructed Tournament (Aug 2023)Amethyst / RubySteadfast2ndCore Constructed
2023-10-10testtesttesttestCore Constructed
2023-08-09Lorcana HQ Constructed Tournament (Aug 2023)Amethyst / RubyWalterYensid1stCore Constructed