Top Decks Tap on a Deck to check out the deck list, or tap on an Ink to filter by Ink types! Date Tournament Deck Owner Placement Format Inks 2024-06-08Chicago Challenge 2024Amethyst / RubyColby GerrishTop 64Core Constructed 2024-06-08Chicago Challenge 2024Amethyst / RubyEdmond ChiuTop 32Core Constructed 2024-06-08Chicago Challenge 2024Amethyst / EmeraldGabriel CabanTop 64Core Constructed 2024-06-08Chicago Challenge 2024Amethyst / RubyGeorge GebhardtTop 16Core Constructed 2024-06-08Chicago Challenge 2024Amethyst / RubyAdrian MercuriTop 64Core Constructed 2024-06-08Chicago Challenge 2024Merlin & Madams Kurt SpiessTop 4Core Constructed 2024-06-08Chicago Challenge 2024Amethyst / EmeraldJordyn Moore2nd PlaceCore Constructed 2024-06-01Red Saber Games - Triple Case TournamentAmethyst / EmeraldEvan QuintaguaTop 8 - SharedCore Constructed 2024-06-01Hideout Store Championship (Jun 2024)Amber / AmethystJorden2nd PlaceCore Constructed 2024-06-01Hideout Store Championship (Jun 2024)Amethyst / RubyDominicTop 4Core Constructed 2024-06-01Hideout Store Championship (Jun 2024)Uncle Emerald's Amethyst Emerald TempoMelvinTop 4Core Constructed 2024-06-01Hideout Store Championship (Jun 2024)Amethyst / EmeraldBrandonTop 8Core Constructed 2024-06-01Hideout Store Championship (Jun 2024)Amethyst / RubyEdrickTop 8Core Constructed 2024-06-01Hideout Store Championship (Jun 2024)Amethyst / RubyYung PingTop 8Core Constructed 2024-06-01Hideout Store Championship (Jun 2024)Ruby Amethyst - Ra Ra Ra!WackyTop 8Core Constructed 2024-05-24Atlanta Challenge 2024Amethyst / RubyKendall BurdetteTop 16Core Constructed 2024-05-24Atlanta Challenge 2024Amethyst / RubyMark LandersTop 16Core Constructed 2024-05-24Atlanta Challenge 2024Amethyst / RubyKristopher CarrascoTop 16Core Constructed 2024-05-24Atlanta Challenge 2024Amethyst / RubyMatthew OkimotoTop 8Core Constructed 2024-05-24Atlanta Challenge 2024Amethyst / RubyAlberto GarciaTop 4Core Constructed 2024-04-25Atlanta Challenge 2024Amethyst / RubyMatthew Wright2nd PlaceCore Constructed 2024-04-25Atlanta Challenge 2024Amber / AmethystJoshua Paultre1st PlaceCore Constructed 2024-04-27Into the Inklands Championship - Grape's GamesAmethyst / EmeraldTyler R Top 4Core Constructed 2024-04-28Into the Inklands Championship - RarehuntershopAmethyst / EmeraldMichael Neuwirth1st placeCore Constructed 2024-04-28Into the Inklands Championship - Great Lake GamingTier 2 DeckNicholas Wyllie1st placeCore Constructed 2024-04-28Into the Inklands Championship - Great Lake GamingPurple Rain Brock Ridley2nd placeCore Constructed 2024-04-28Into the Inklands Championship - Great Lake GamingChanceChance RusniakTop 4Core Constructed 2024-04-28Into the Inklands Championship - Great Lake GamingAR BounceKristen YoungTop 8Core Constructed 2024-04-28Into the Inklands Championship - Great Lake GamingRed/PurpleJenna HermanTop 8Core Constructed 2024-04-27Into the Inklands Championship - Three For One TradingAmethyst / EmeraldKrisztian V.1st placeCore Constructed Previous 1 2 3 4 … 16 Next