Toby and The Matchmaker join Archazia’s Island!
These reveals are from humble_4538 and
Toby – Dogged Companion
1 Cost | Ruby | Character
Strength 3 | Willpower 1 | Lore 1
Storyborn · Ally
“Toby has the most splendid sense of smell of any hound I’ve trained. But he can be deucedly frisky.”
The Matchmaker – Unforgiving Expert
4 Cost | Ruby | Character
Strength 4 | Willpower 3 | Lore 1
YOU ARE A DISGRACE!: Whenever this character challenges another character, each opponent loses 1 lore.
For a full list of all currently known Archazia’s Island cards, check out the card list and table linked below!
Archazia’s Island
Disney Lorcana card table