The Chromicon Artifacts

Nobody is being left out, there’s one Chromicon for every ink!

These cards are revealed on the official Disney Lorcana site!

Amber Chromicon
2 Cost | Amber | Item
Exert – Remove up to 1 damage from each of your characters.
“Comfort the weak and weary.”
– Inscription

Amethyst Chromicon
2 Cost | Amethyst | Item
Exert – Each play may draw a card.
“Seek not power for its own sake.”
– Inscription


Emerald Chromicon
3 Cost | Emerald | Item
During opponent’s turns, whenever one of your characters is banished, you may return chosen character to their player’s hand.
“Trust in the winds of change.”
– Inscription

Ruby Chromicon
1 Cost | Ruby | Item
Exert – Chosen character gets +1 strength this turn.
“Leave fear behind.”
– Inscription

Sapphire Chromicon
4 Cost | Sapphire | Item
POWERING UP: This item enters play exerted.
SAPPHIRE LIGHT: Exert, 2 ink, Banish one of your items – Gain 2 lore.
“Knowledge is eternal.”
– Inscription

Steel Chromicon
6 Cost | Steel | Item
Exert – Deal 1 damage to chosen character.
“Strong in will, strong in battle.”
– Inscription


For a full list of all currently known Shimmering Skies cards, check out the card list and table linked below!
Shimmering Skies card list
Disney Lorcana card table

One comment

  1. So you heal everyone of you characters for 1 with an inkable 2 cost. But you deal 1 dmg a turn too 1 target for a 6 non inkable. No Thanks, that is just BS

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