PAX Unplugged BO1 Decklists
Playing in a 1 game match event? Amethyst Ruby and Steel Song may be your best option yet!
Playing in a 1 game match event? Amethyst Ruby and Steel Song may be your best option yet!
We have a bunch of updated Amethyst Ruby decks in this event but Amber Amethyst was the final winner!
Looking for Ruby / Sapphire decklists? We have a bunch here in this latest set of decklists!
More Rise of the Deckborn infused tournament decklists are here, this time straight from the UK!
We have the very first set of Rise of the Floodborn Decklists, straight from an event in Germany with 102 players! Amber Emerald for the win!!
Looking for more Sapphire and Emerald decklists? Here are some for your consideration straight from France!
As we approach the release of season 2, we are getting tournaments where the meta for The First Chapter seems to be pretty settled. Here’s a new batch of decklists!
It may be card reveal season but events are still running and we have decklists from a 52 player event!
We interrupt the flood of card news to bring you another set of deck lists from last week!
The TCGplayer 5k invitational event comes to an end and here are the top decklists!