Rafiki – Shaman Duelist

Zeus step aside. We have a new and improved Rush Challenger!

This reveal comes from Gamerslive!

Rafiki – Shaman Duelist
4 Cost | Amethyst | Character
Strength 1 | Willpower 4 | Lore 2
Storyborn · Mentor · Sorcerer
Rush (This character can challenge the turn they’re played.)
SURPRISING SKILL: When you play this character, he gains Challenger +4 this turn. (They get +4 strength while challenging.)


Zeus – God of Lightning was a nice card but he had an issue. During the opponent’s turn he had 0 strength, which meant he was easily taken out through challenges. Furthermore, 4 strength was not really enough to give you an advantage, since many 5 or higher ink cost characters you want to take out quickly like Cogsworth – Grandfather Clock or Tinker Bell – Giant Fairy and many more, all had 5 willpower.

Now Rafiki is perfect to solve the problem. He goes up to 5 strength with his ability on the turn he is played, plus he retains 1 strength so at least your opponents will take some damage when trying to take him out. His Challenger may only last for 1 turn, but following that first turn you can just use him to quest for 2 lore anyway. In my book, these make him a much better card than Zeus and for the consideration of everyone who needs a good Rush character.

For a full list of all currently known Shimmering Skies cards, check out the card list and table linked below!
Shimmering Skies card list
Disney Lorcana card table

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