Prize wall tickets are now easier to get for everyone playing in the main event! There are also some changes to the amount of tickets needed for prize wall prizes!
Back in the Atlanta challenge, one very common complain was that the prize wall tickets were extremely difficult to obtain, especially if you were knee deep in the main event.
Well, now there’s an even bigger incentive to play on in the main event with this brand new announcement!
Starting from this event, tickets for the prize wall will be awarded to players in the main event, encouraging everyone to play on. Here are the details!

With this update, prize tickets will be given to anyone with at least 10 points or more. Do note that these prize ticket amounts do NOT stack.
Every match win (2-0) awards 7 points, while every draw (1-1) awards 3 points, so you need to win a minimum of 3 games (2 of them being part of the same round) to get 10 points and you will get 6 tickets. Not enough to change for a Challenge promo card yet, but at least it gets you half way there.
This makes it much more easier for everyone participating in the main event to get a chance at getting those sweet prize wall prizes, and it’s always great to see Ravensburger listening to the feedback of the players.
In addition, there have been some changes made to the prize wall prizes! Compared to the Atlanta Prize Wall, merchandise like shirts and hats are now much easier to get with the amount of tickets required slashed by almost half.
The Cinderella – Stouthearted playmat is also 10% cheaper, going from 100 tickets to 90 tickets, though the promo cards went up with Cinderella going from 12 tickets to 18, and Rapunzel from 14 tickets to 20.
What prize wall prizes are you aiming for this weekend?