Monstro – Whale of a Whale

Are more Pinocchio cards coming this set? Monstro is making his debut in Shimmering Skies!

This reveal comes from Hobby Lords!

Monstro – Whale of a Whale
5 Cost | Amethyst | Character
Strength 5 | Willpower 6 | Lore 1
The great beast breached the surface of the Azurite Sea, and the cry went out, “Monstro! Monstro!”


Could this be the next set of vanilla characters that share the same stats across all inks? Monstro shares the exact same as the steel ink Cerberus – Three-Headed Dog!

For a full list of all currently known Shimmering Skies cards, check out the card list and table linked below!
Shimmering Skies card list
Disney Lorcana card table

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