Fix it Felix Junior, Tramp, & Li Shang

Some powerful dual-ink characters in Archazia’s Island

This reveal is from makeawish_pkmn

Fix-It Felix, Jr. – Pint-Sized Hero
5 Cost | Amber/Ruby | Characters
Strength 4 | Willpower 4 | Lore 2
Storyborn · Hero · Pilot
LET’S GET TO WORK: Whenever you return a Racer character card from your discard to your hand, you may ready chosen Racer character. They can’t quest for the rest of this turn.

This reveal is from lorcanatactics!

Tramp – Street-Smart Dog
7 Cost | Amber/Emerald | Character
Strength 2 | Willpower 6 | Lore 2
NOW IT’S A PARTY: For each character you have in play, you pay 1 ink less to play this character.
HOW’S PICKINGS?: When you play this character, you may draw a card for each other character you have in play, then choose and discard that many cards.

This reveal is from Amicidigiula!

Li Shang – Newly Promoted
3 Cost | Ruby/Steel | Character
Strength 2 | Willpower 3 | Lore 1
I WON’T LET YOU DOWN: This character can challenge ready characters.

ENORMOUS RESPONSIBILITY: While this character has damage, he gets +2 Strength

For a full list of all currently known Archazia’s Island cards, check out the card list and table linked below!
Archazia’s Island
Disney Lorcana card table

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