Mulan’s Mom is here, also completing the set for every ink to get one of these 1 ink vanillas. Also is Hades planning something while using Ursula as a cover??
This reveal comes from unna
Fa Li – Mulan’s Mother
1 Cost | Sapphire | Character
Strength 1 | Willpower 3 | Lore 1
Storyborn · Mentor
When far from home, Mulan often thinks of her calming presence.
This next card comes from mabtheevil_disneymusicalnerd
Hades – Meticulous Planner
4 Cost | Sapphire | Character
Strength 3 | Willpower 6 | Lore 1
Storyborn · Villain · Deity
On this cute little plot Ursula tentacles are sold a mile away. That sneaky sea witch… Wait! I can use this thing. While you keep those hateful Illumineers busy, I can carry out my plan.
Note: Card names and text are translated and may not be the final version.
For a full list of all currently known Ursula’s Return cards, check out the card list and table linked below!
Ursula Return’s card list
Disney Lorcana card table