Enchanted Tour 2024 – Spring Edition

Lots of people around the world are enjoying the latest Ursula’s Return set, and we even get to see the first of the event playmats going out in Austria

Event Details

Venue: Felmayer’s Scheune (Event Info)
Date: May 18, 2024
Participants: 104

Event co-organized by Rarehuntershop & Three for One Trading

During this event, Ravensburger provided 1 of the new non-Challenge event playmat up for raffle to all participants!

Photos & Videos

Here are more photos from the event!

For many more photos, head to Rarehuntershop!

Here is a video made by one of the participants of the event~


1st Place: Gabor Koros

2nd Place: Fabian Katzenbeisser

3rd Place: Mark Litvak

4th Place: Harald Schmid-Gaus

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