Elsa, Moana, Yzma, and More!

There is just so much potential to work with here!

First reveal comes from the official website update

Elsa – Ice Maker
7 Cost | Amethyst · Sapphire | Character
Strength 5 | Willpower 5 | Lore 2
Floodborn · Hero · Queen · Sorcerer
Shift 4 (You may pay 4 ink to play this on top of one of your characters named Elsa.)
WINTER WALL: Whenever this character quests, you may exert chosen character. If you do, and you have a character named Anna in play, the chosen character can’t ready at the start of their next turn.


Next we have Moana from Wossy Plays

Moana – Island Explorer
4 Cost | Ruby | Character
Strength 4 | Willpower 3 | Lore 1
Storyborn · Hero · Princess
Evasive (Only characters with Evasive can challenge this character.)
ADVENTUROUS SPIRIT: Whenever this character challenges another character, another chosen character of yours gets +3strength this turn.


Followed by a triple Coils reveal from Enchanted Kim!

Amethyst Coil
3 Cost | Amethyst | Item
: During your turn, whenever a card is put into your inkwell, you may move 1 damage counter from chosen character to chosen opposing character.
Shanzay’s coil flared, sending a tendril of mystical energy toward the damaged glimmer.


Sapphire Coil
2 Cost | Sapphire | Item
During your turn, whenever a card is put into your inkwell, you may give chosen character -2 strength this turn.
A single flash of light from the coil on Venturo’s leg could blind any foe.


Emerald Coil
3 Cost | Emerald | Item
During your turn, whenever a card is put into your inkwell, chosen character gains Evasive until the start of your next turn. (Only characters with Evasive can challenge them.)
The coil Martin wore lifted his spirits as well as his body.


Nives is bringing some detective work to the table!

Dawson – Puzzling Sleuth
1 Cost | Sapphire | Character
Strength 1 | Willpower 2 | Lore 1
Storyborn · Ally · Detective
BE SENSIBLE: Once during your turn, whenever a card is put into your inkwell, look at the top card of your deck. You may put it on either the top or the bottom of your deck.
“I say, what sort of contraption is this?”


HeiHei is enjoying the island life with some help from Cozy Board Games

HeiHei – Rambling Rooster
1 Cost | Steel | Character
Strength 2 | Willpower 2 | Lore 1
Dreamborn · Ally 
Archazia: “Why is he wearing a coconut?”
Shanzay: “It’s probably better not to ask.”


And finally Yzma from Disney Lorcana’s X account

Yzma – Exasperated Schemer
2 Cost | Emerald | Character
Strength 2 | Willpower 2 | Lore 1
Storyborn · Villain · Sorcerer
HOW SHALL I DO IT?: When you play this character, you may draw a card, then choose and discard a card.
“One of these must be the right lever, but I’ll be a llama’s aunt if I can figure out which one…”


For a full list of all currently known Archazia’s Island cards, check out the card list and table linked below!
Archazia’s Island
Disney Lorcana card table

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