Dinh Khang Pham | Dinh A Little Lore | Disney Lorcana Challenge Melbourne

Submitter NameDinh Khang Pham
Deck NameDinh A Little Lore
Deck OwnerDinh Khang Pham
Tournament NameDisney Lorcana Challenge Melbourne
Tournament Date2025-02-02
FormatCore Constructed

Dinh A Little Lore - Disney Lorcana Challenge Melbourne (1st)

By Dinh Khang Pham


Image Card Name Card Cost Card Type Qty
Tipo – Growing Son2Character4
Goofy – Super Goof4Character4
Gramma Tala – Keeper of Ancient Stories4Character3
Hiram Flaversham – Toymaker4Character3
Maui – Hero to All5Character4
Maui – Half-Shark6Character4
Develop Your Brain1Action4
Sail the Azurite Sea2Action4
Vision of the Future2Action4
How Far I’ll Go4Song4
Let It Go5Song2
A Pirate’s Life6Song4
Be Prepared7Song4
McDuck Manor – Scrooge’s Mansion4Location4
Total: 60 Cards