Clarabelle – Hoofin’ It & The Library – A Gift for Belle

Clarabelle got a floodborn, and Amethyst gets a brand new location with card draw abilities!

First reveal comes from BSquared24!

The Library – A Gift for Belle
3 Cost | Amethyst | Location
Move Cost 1 | Willpower 8 | Lore 1
LOST IN A BOOK: Whenever a character is banished while here, you may draw a card.


Next reveal comes from MaxiLorcana!

Clarabelle – Hoofin’ It
7 Cost | Emerald | Character
Strength 5 | Willpower 6 | Lore 2
Floodborn · Ally
Shift 5 (You may pay 5 ink to play this on top of one of your characters named Clarabelle.)
KEEP UP THE PACE: At the end of your turn, choose an opponent. If they have more cards in hand than you, draw until you have as many cards in hand as them.


Note: The above card names and texts are translated and may not be the final English texts

For a full list of all currently known Shimmering Skies cards, check out the card list and table linked below!
Shimmering Skies card list
Disney Lorcana card table


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