[Card News] Goofy – Daredevil

Mickey finally gets 1 of his friends to join him as a fellow Ruby character!

Goofy – Daredevil
5 Cost | Ruby | Character
Power 3 | Toughness 4 | Lore ?
Dreamborn · Hero
Evasive (Only characters with Evasive can challenge this character.)
Sometimes you gotta give it the ol’ jump and hyuck.

Wiki link

At the same time, the post states “Daring Ruby glimmers often leap without looking.”. Looking at the text and that this is the 3rd Evasive character in Ruby, Ruby Ink could be a theme that focuses on gaining Lore and not worrying about the opponent’s characters as many of them have Evasive.

For a full list of all The First Chapter cards, check out the card table linked below!
The First Chapter card table

Source: Twitter


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