Shenzi – Scar’s Accomplice & The Queen – Fairest in the Land
We got some fantastic reveals here, with another Shenzi and The Queen getting a new floodborn that encourages a deck filled with copies of The Queens!
We got some fantastic reveals here, with another Shenzi and The Queen getting a new floodborn that encourages a deck filled with copies of The Queens!
More of your old favorite characters are getting new cards, including a Floodborn for Archimedes!!
Wakey wakey! We got a bunch of new reveals for Shimmering Skies!
Prince Naveen from the Shimmering Skies trailer is here, and he is a fantastic singer card for all Steel Song players to consider!
Whole bunch of reveals are here, including a brand new Shenzi that supports anyone who wants to play a Hyena deck!
Who’s the boat snack? You’re the boat snack!!
Boom baby! Either Item / Location hate, or a way to ramp your inkwell, Kuzco here is good for both!
We get a 2 for 1, with another Banzai revealed today!
The Hyena trio is finally complete!!
How do you get to the Bermudas from Lorcana though?