Hiram Flaversham – Curious Inventor
You’ll definitely need this one to take care of all your toys
You’ll definitely need this one to take care of all your toys
Anyone hoping to become a true hero needs one of this
This could definitely slow down games for a bit! Sit down and enjoy your beignet!
Treasure Planet’s navigator robot is making his Lorcana debut, while Jeju gives you more ways to move damage!
We get even more Gadget Hackwrench! Also could this Goofy replace your best Rush characters?
We’re starting the morning strong, with a total of 7 cards revealed in 1 post! Aladdin, Treasure Planet, Alice in Wonderland, take your pick!
2 more reveals round off the day, we are now at 105 reveals for Azurite Sea!
I won’t give up, I will keep doing card news till I reach the end of Azurite Sea~
Move aside Kristoff, Aladdin is about to take your place as the event promo
I love themed reveals like this coming as a set!! Also Genie makes for a really exciting deck play option!